
MSM, 4-30-18, Hebrews 12:12-17

Thanks for listening to “Mike & Steve in the Morning”

Today our lesson was from Hebrews 12:12-17. These verses encourage us to strengthen ourselves and each other so that we can walk to walk we need to walk. As usual, we closed with a devo and prayer. Enjoy!

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Mon-Fri 8-9 am CT  Click for today’s program, 4-30-18 Hebrews 12:12-17

MSM, 4-17-18, Hebrews 10:19-25

Thanks for listening to “Mike & Steve in the Morning”

Today we looked at Hebrews 10:19-25. These verses tell us that, having a perfect once-for-all sacrifice gives us confidence to approach God. Knowing this, let us encourage one another to love and good deeds – in the assembly! We have to assemble to do this!! As usual, we closed with a devo and prayer. Enjoy!

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Mon-Fri 8-9 am CT  Click for today’s program, 4-17-18 Hebrews 10:19-25

SGW, 5-24-17, Zech. 4-5

Thanks for listening to “Searching God’s Word”  on  or

Encourage others to LISTEN to “Searching God’s Word” w/ Steve Weeks

M 8 pm, M-W-F 9 am  Click for today’s lesson: Zech. 4-5

SGW, 5-3-17, Zech. 2

Thanks for listening to “Searching God’s Word”  on  or

Encourage others to LISTEN to “Searching God’s Word” w/ Steve Weeks

M 8 pm, M-W-F 9 am  Click for tonight’s lesson: Zech. 1


MSM, 4-21-17, FFAF Local church/fellowship

Thanks for listening to “Mike & Steve in the Morning”

Encourage others to LISTEN to us on or

Mon-Fri 8-9 am CT  Click for today’s program, 4-21-17 FFAF Local church/fellowship